The Township's Fees and Charges By-Law is updated annually, and approved by Council. Fees and Charges ensure an appropriate level of cost recovery measures for a number of services, provided to mitigate reliance on property taxes and other user fees. Here you can find a copy of the most recent version of the Township's Fees and Charges.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the Township's Fees and Charges.
Ashton Romany
Manager of Finance / Deputy Treasurer
Administration Complex
60 Snyder's Road West
T: 519-634-8519 ext. 225
Toll Free: 1-800-469-5576
TTY: 519-634-5037
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Ashley Brooks
Facilities Scheduling Clerk
Wilmot Recreation Complex
1291 Nafziger Road
T: 519-634-9225 ext. 253
Toll Free: 1-800-469-5576
TTY: 519-634-5057
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