Council Meetings can be viewed on the Township's YouTube Channel.
At its Regular Council Meeting on November 25, 2024, Council approved the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule, which includes the following:
Every four years the residents of the Township of Wilmot elect their local Council representatives. The Council for the Township makes decisions and provides direction to staff for all the different service areas.
With each new term of Council residents are invited to apply to the various Committees. Council appoints the members by resolution.
Council and Committee Meetings are open to the public unless advertised as being a Closed Meeting under Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act. Members of public can request to delegate at open meetings.
Council Agenda Packages are prepared in advance of each Council Meeting and posted to the Township Calendar. On occasion, the Council Agenda Package may contain documents from a third party that could not be converted into an accessible format. Please contact the Township if you require any documents in an alternate format.
At it's regular Council meeting on March 4, 2019, The Township of Wilmot Council adopted the inclusion of a Territorial Acknowledgement statement to be read at Council Meetings. Council also supports such a statement being read, if so desired, at any committee meeting as well. If you would like to use the statement that was passed by Council, it can be viewed in Wilmot Territorial Acknowledgement.
Council approved the current Procedural By-law that governs the procedures of meetings for Council and Township Committees at the Regular Council Meeting on August 26, 2024.
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