A Right of Way Work Permit, or ROWWP, is a permit that gives a contractor, homeowner or anyone else that applies, the ability to perform construction or occupancy activities within the municipal right of way or highway network.
This proposed by-law will enhance the Township’s ability to enforce the conditions set out in the ROWWP and ensure Township infrastructure is protected from damages.
Commonly Asked Questions
A ROWWP, Right of way work permit, is a document/permit that gives a contractor, homeowner or anyone else that applies the ability to perform construction or occupancy activities within the municipal right of way or highway network.
ROWWP’s are required for most construction activities within the municipal right-of-way, including by not limited to:
- Telecom and gas utility work
- Service connections or upgrades
- Road cuts/excavation
- Driveway excavation
- Placement of a moving container or disposal bin;
- Short duration storage of construction or landscaping materials beyond the limits of private property;
- Crossing the boulevard to gain site access where there is no depressed curb or paved driveway;
- Where the road will be occupied by workers or equipment to support construction or other activities; or
- Where the sidewalk will be obstructed, resulting in a disruption to pedestrian traffic.
The municipal road allowance is shared space which is used to deliver services and allow efficient, unencumbered access for residents. Permitting allows the Township to:
- Confirm the necessity of each disturbance;
- Ensure road occupancy is carried out in a safe manner;
- Coordinate activities to reduce public impact; and
- Ensure Township assets are protected from damage.
The Township currently issues ROWWP for occupancy activities in the right of way. This proposed by-law will enhance the Township’s ability to enforce the conditions set out in the permit and ensure Township infrastructure is protected from damages. The proposal aligns with similar practices in local area municipalities and to ensure compliance with homeowners/contractors obtaining the ROWWP.
Yes, there are fees and a security deposit associated with a ROWWP application. These are outlined in the Fees and Charges By-Law.
The fees cover the administration cost of processing the permit as well as an inspection fee for the release of the security deposit. The security deposit is required to ensure the Township has money to draw from to restore or rectify any damage to the municipal right-of-way during the construction activities associated with the permit. The security deposit will be released following a satisfactory inspection by Township staff following completed work and restortation works.
Apply for the Township’s Right of Way Work Permit
here. Applications
can be submitted through email at eningeering@wilmot.ca or through the online payment application.
Have Your Say
Public engagement and community feedback are an important part of any Township project. Township of Wilmot staff and the project team encourage residents to provide comments and feedback on the development of the Right of Way Work Permit By-Law through our online feedback form. Members of the public will have until August 5, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. to submit feedback. All comments and feedback are appreciated and seriously considered.
Complete the online feedback form.