In 2007 the New Dundee Women's Institute celebrated their 100th anniversary. To mark this very special occasion they created a legacy gift to the community. The Tweedsmuir History Books were digitized and put on-line where they can be viewed and enjoyed by anyone interested in the history of Wilmot Township.
In addition to the New Dundee Women's Institute branch of books, other Tweedsmuir books were included in the project: Haysville and New Hamburg Women's Institutes. What a huge undertaking this project was for a group of sixty Women's Institute women. After the project, the Women's Institute generously donated their Tweedsmuir books to be preserved and become of the permanent collection in the archives. Staff at Castle Kilbride/Township of Wilmot Archives were delighted to have these treasures as part of the archives. View the on-line collection of the Tweedsmuir books of Wilmot Township.
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