Engineering division is responsible for design, approvals, supervision of construction or reconstruction of roads, sidewalks, sewers, watermains, bridges, culverts and municipal drains. Our staff covers the areas of Engineering, GIS, Project Management, Inspection and Administration. Staff deals with owners, residents, contractors, consultants and others to manage and improve the infrastructure we use every day. The core services provided are:
Contact Information |
***A majority of engineering services can and will be performed by staff working remotely. As such, please primarily utilize the email function for any and all engineering service inquiries.
For general inquiries relating to Water/Wastewater and Roads, please email Wilmot Public Works. For general inquiries relating to approvals, permits, and consents please email Wilmot Engineering.
Reforestation Tree Replacement Program |
More information found in our Trees page. |
Entrance Applications |
A driveway or an entrance is an access right that is given to the landowner by the authority in charge of the particular road. Entrances onto Township roads must therefore be approved. Entrance applications are required for:
An Entrance Application form must be submitted and approved based on the Township's criteria for approvals. You can download the application by clicking here: Entrance Application Form, and submit using our Engineering Services Payment portal. Select Entrance app/alt - residential/farm service from the drop down menu. How do I build my new entrance?The standard single driveway ramp has a width of 4.27 metres with the culvert having a width of 7 metres. A double driveway ramp has a width of 7.3 metres with the culvert having a width of 10 meters. If a farm/field entrance is required the property owner must set up a site meeting with the Roads Manager to discuss the size and location of the entrance. The pipe material must be an approved pipe product, for a complete list of approved pipe materials please follow the below link to the Region of Waterloo, Design Guidelines and Supplemental Specifications for Municipal Services (DGSSMS) No work shall commence until the applicant has received approval. Can an entrance permit be denied or modified?If the proposed entrance does not met the required sight lines, impedes drainage or effects existing infrastructure the Township can deny the permit or impose additional conditions to the installation as deemed necessary by the Roads Manager. If any additional work is required to make the proposed entrance location safe then all costs will be borne by the applicant. Following approval of the Entrance Application, a Right of Way Work Permit must be submitted to the Township. |
Right of Way Work Permits |
Contractors, homeowners and others who are planning any activity (such as, but not limited to construction, landscaping, etc.) that may cause a public road, sidewalk or boulevard to be blocked in any way, including restricting access, disrupting vehicular/pedestrian traffic flow and/or placing materials of any kind on the roadway must obtain a Right of Way Permit before starting any work.
Examples of activities requiring a permit include:
The public road allowance is shared space which is used to deliver services and allow efficient, unencumbered access for residents. Permitting allows the Township to:
A form must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Township prior to a contractor or homeowner completing work within the municipal Right of Way. You can download the form by clicking here: Right of Way Work Permit Form, Insurance requirements can be found here: Insurance Requirements. Supplemental design information and specifications can be found here: Right of Way – Work Permit Supplemental Information. Traffic Control Plans must adhere to Ontario Ministry of Transportation Book 7, visit OTM Book 7 for further information and details Submit the completed form & supporting documents by using our Engineering Services Payment portal. Select the appropriate Right of Way Permit service from the drop down menu. For any work taking place on a Regional road the applicant must obtain a Regional Work Permit. Maps that identify Regional roads in Wilmot are found here: Regional Roads in Wilmot |
Road Occupancy Applications |
You can apply for a permit to close or partially occupy a street by completing the Road Occupancy Permit application by completing the form below. Road Occupancy Permits are required for works that involve partially occupying or closing any sidewalk, boulevard, curb lane or partially or temporarily closing a street and does not involve any digging in the Right of Way. Special Event: Road Occupancy Permits A Special Event Permit* application must be submitted prior to a Road Occupancy Permit being issued. If your Special Event requires a Road Occupancy Permit you can apply by completing and submitting the form below. If you are planning to temporarily close the street fully or partially to occupy a curb lane, sidewalk or boulevard for an event such as a race, run, walk, festival, or parade, you must apply for this permit. An application is required so the Township can:
This gives you permission to have the street closed to vehicular traffic as long as local access for residents and emergency vehicles is maintained while you occupy the road. *For a Special Event Permit, please visit the Special Events page Special Events Note: a minimum of 6 weeks is required in order to process the Special Event application. If Council approval is required, an additional 6 week timeframe is required. It is the responsibility of the Event Organizer to account for this timing in their schedule. Road Occupancy Online ApplicationPlease Note:
Traffic Control Plans The health and safety of Event Organizers, participants, and the public is our top priority. In reviewing the Special Event permitting process, it was determined that traffic and pedestrian safety were not being properly considered and accounted for. These deficiencies will be addressed by following OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions as it is standard for any Contractor or Persons that utilizes Township Road Allowances to outline temporary traffic control. This measure helps to reduce liability to the Township and Event Organizers. Signage The Township has limited supply of signs and barricades, Event Organizers are required to provide a list of the signs they would like to borrow 14 days prior to the Event and the Township will confirm availability. Organizers should be prepared to pick up and drop off these signs during business hours. Your request should be sent to the Public Works Department at |
Municipal Consents |
A Municipal Consent is the municipal authorization for a utility company, and/or corporation, to occupy a specific location above or below ground within the Township rights-of-way. Standard utility corridors and alignments have been established to avoid conflicts in the planning of projects by various utilities occupying the Township’s rights-of-way and to minimize the impact of proposed work on the adjacent infrastructure. Municipal Consents are only issued to utility companies, commissions, agencies and private Applicants who have the authority to construct, operate and maintain their infrastructure within the right-of-way as established through legislation, terms of an Agreement with the Township, or a Municipal Access Agreement. All utility work, with a few exceptions, within rights-of-way requires Municipal Consent (MC) and a Right-of-Way Work Permit (ROWP) from the Township’s Public Work and Engineering Department, with the exception of Emergency Works. A ROWP for utility works will not be granted until MC is granted by the Public Works and Engineering Department. The Applicant understands and agrees that in making an application for MC the Applicant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the MC and Municipal Consent Requirement Manual. Submit your MC using our Engineering Services Payment portal. Select Municipal Consent Application Fee service from the drop down menu. If you have questions regarding your submission please reach out to MC Application Inquiry |
Design Standards |
Township of Wilmot - Infrastructure Standards and Specifications The Infrastructure Standards and Specifications includes design criteria and Best Management Practices specific to the Township to provide a general overview of the Engineering Review, Acceptance and Maintenance Process; however, it is not intended to be a comprehensive document. The intention of this document is to provide general design criteria for the Engineer / Designer for completion of the grading, servicing, storm water management, road design, traffic studies, hydrogeology, erosion control, minimum testing requirements, landscaping etc. to allow for the Township to provide a more efficient review and Acceptance. Township of Wilmot - Infrastructure Standards and Specifications Manual (Please note that this is the council-presented version of the ISS that is posted. As such, there will be forthcoming revisions which will be noted in the revision log in future posted versions.) Appendices
Region of Waterloo Construction and Design Standards: The purpose of having a design standard for municipal services (engineering, materials, storm, water and wastewater) in all of the municipalities within the Region of Waterloo and the City of Guelph is to ensure consistency. This assists suppliers, developers, contractors and consulting engineers by providing a document that they can refer to when working in the various municipalities. The designer or engineer is encouraged to use their best judgment when using these documents. The DGSSMS is under continual review and improvement as new innovative products or new construction techniques become available. The Technical Sub-Committee meets once a month to discuss modification or alterations to the document. In order to have consistency major revisions are made every two years, with addendums being issued between revision years. Please click here to visit the Region of Waterloo's Construction and Design Standards Webpage. This webpage includes:
Hydrant Flow Testing |
To request a Fire Hydrant Flow Test, please click here: Fire Hydrant Flow Test Request |
Encroachment/Access Legal Agreement |
For the PDF fillable form required to apply for Encroachments & Access Legal Agreements, click the following: Encroachment/Access Legal Agreement |
Engineering Review and Permit Fees |
Engineering Services fees for development review and permit applications can be found in Township Fees and Charges Payment can be made in our Engineering Services Payments page. |
General Engineering Email