The Township of Wilmot has developed a Strategic Action Plan to set priorities and guide decision-making over the next several years. The plan provides a roadmap for the organization, giving clear direction on how staff and Council can achieve positive results for residents.
Read the 2025 - 2027 Strategic Action Plan
The Strategic Action Plan was developed in 2024 based on feedback gathered through a public survey and local stakeholder sessions.
Hundreds of residents participated, helping to paint a picture of the community’s wants and needs. Four key priorities emerged from this process and formed the strategic goals of the plan.
The plan lists several practical, achievable actions that will help the Township reach these four goals. These actions will form workplans for staff over the next two years, ensuring that the municipality is working efficiently and effectively to enhance quality of life in Wilmot.
Goal #1: Financial Stability |
Build a strong financial foundation to support our community now and in the future. Action 1.1 Taking a long-term evidence-based approach to drive budgeting, operations and projects.
Action 1.2 Diversifying our revenue sources to reduce reliance on residential taxpayers.
Goal #2: Healthy Community |
Provide core services and build strong community partnerships. Action 2.1 Delivering valuable core services and programs.
2.2 Expanding healthy living and recreation opportunities.
Action 2.3 Working with our community partners to enhance our quality of life.
Goal #3: Prosperous Business and Balanced Growth |
Facilitate responsible growth providing opportunities to live and work in Wilmot. Action 3.1 Encouraging well-planned growth while preserving our rural heritage and small-town character.
Action 3.2 Support local businesses and provide more housing options.
Action 3.3 Protecting our natural environment.
Goal #4: Trustworthy Leadership |
Foster a positive and respectful working environment engaging and serving our community. Action 4.1 Enhancing the Township’s reputation through meaningful community engagement.
Action 4.2 Continuously improving our day-to-day operations to be more effective, efficient, and customer focussed.
Action 4.3 Fostering a culture of excellence and professionalism.
The Township is committed to transparency as it executes the goals of Strategic Action Plan. Staff will report on the organization's progress at the May 2025 Committee of the Whole meeting.
Progress reports will be added to this page as they become available.