It is the owner's responsibility to understand and follow the current burn by-law. The Township has recently made changes to the Open Air Fire By-law 2021-40 that will promote public safety while allowing for backyard fires that are respectful to both neighbouring property owners, and the natural environment.
Please respect your neighbours |
Burning in built-up areas is a privilege. Please respect your neighbours and follow all regulations. If your neighbour has a complaint (e.g., smoke blowing in through windows, health concerns, etc.), we ask that you please be courteous and put out the fire.
Remember, failure to comply with the burn by-law can lead to charges or billing for fire response services. |
Remember, failure to comply with the burn by-law can lead to charges or billing for fire response services.
There are three types of burn permits available, two for recreational fires (depending on lot size) and one for agricultural burns. The recreational burn permits are required to be renewed annually and can be done online by using the Apply/Renew button below. Only users in this new system that have been previously approved after January 1, 2022 are eligible to renew. Any permits issued before January 1, 2022 are no longer valid and residents are required to apply for a new permit based on lot size and conditions described below.
Note: If your lot size is less than 10m (33ft) wide, your property is not eligible for a recreational fire.
Information and online application |
The following terms and conditions are outlined in the permit to promote a safe, neighbour-friendly, and environmentally conscious way to conduct a backyard fire:
Additional requirements the applicant must agree to:
For additional information, refer to the Open Air By-law (By-law 2021-40). NEW PERMITSWhen applying for a new permit, you will be asked to register as a new user. Once registered, you can begin the permit application process. As part of the initial application process, the user must upload a photo (taken during daylight hours and clearly showing the burn site and/or device). Staff will review the photo and verify that the correct permit has been selected based on the lot size. The applicant may be contacted if staff requires clarification and, in some cases, a site visit may be required. Upon approval of the permit application, the applicant will receive an email notification that includes a link for payment. Once payment has been verified, the applicant will have the opportunity to download a copy of the permit to print and/or save on their device. The permit can also be accessed via the Burn Permits site at any time. PERMIT RENEWALSWhen renewing a permit, you will login as a returning user and complete the permit renewal process (a photo is not required). Your permit will be renewed once payment is confirmed. Note: Only permits issued since January 1, 2022 are eligible for renewal. Permits issued prior to January 1, 2022 are no longer valid and you must apply for a new permit. FIRE BAN NOTIFICATIONSThe Burn Permits site includes information about the current open air burning risk level. When there is a burn ban in place the risk level will change to TOTAL BAN. All permit holders will be notified of a burn ban via their preferred method of contact as selected during the application process. |
Information and online application |
The following terms and conditions are outlined in the permit to promote a safe, neighbour-friendly, and environmentally conscious way to conduct a backyard fire:
Additional requirements the applicant must agree to:
For additional information refer to the Open Air By-law (By-law 2021-40). NEW PERMITSWhen applying for a new permit, you will be asked to register as a new user. Once registered, you can begin the permit application process. As part of the initial application process, the user must upload a photo (taken during daylight hours and clearly showing the burn site and/or device). Staff will review the photo and verify that the correct permit has been selected based on the lot size. The applicant may be contacted if staff requires clarification and, in some cases, a site visit may be required. Upon approval of the permit application, the applicant will receive an email notification that includes a link for payment. Once payment has been verified, the applicant will have the opportunity to download a copy of the permit to print and/or save on their device. The permit can also be accessed via the Burn Permits site at any time. PERMIT RENEWALSWhen renewing a permit, you will login as a returning user and complete the permit renewal process (a photo is not required). Your permit will be renewed once payment is confirmed. Note: Only permits issued since January 1, 2022 are eligible for renewal. Permits issued prior to January 1, 2022 are no longer valid and you must apply for a new permit. FIRE BAN NOTIFICATIONSThe Burn Permits site includes information about the current open air burning risk level. When there is a burn ban in place the risk level will change to TOTAL BAN. All permit holders will be notified of a burn ban via their preferred method of contact as selected during the application process. |
Information and online application |
The following terms and conditions are outlined in the permit to promote a safe, neighbour-friendly, and environmentally conscious way to conduct a fire.
For additional information refer to the Open Air By-law (By-law 2021-40). Once the application is received, an inspector will call to arrange an inspection of the site. |
Please note that permits can also be obtained in person by visiting the Township of Wilmot Administrative Complex at 60 Snyder's Road W in Baden, during regular business hours.
Call 9-1-1 for all emergencies
For after hours non-emergency burn complaints, call 519-741-2582