Committees of Council provide advice to Council and staff on issues that are important to the public. These committees are called Advisory Committees and provide recommendations, advice, and information to Council, as well as carry out assigned responsibilities.
Volunteer committee members may come from all backgrounds and experiences that can assist Council in further developing and strengthening a diverse and inclusive community.
Members must:
All Committees of Council are governed by the Committee Governance Policy and the Procedural By-Law.
Committee of Adjustment |
The Committee of Adjustment consists of five Council appointed citizens to consider the following:
Learn more about the Committee of Adjustment. Meeting Frequency: Monthly, on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. |
Committee of the Whole |
Committee of the Whole (Committee) facilitates the decision making process of Council. the Committee is comprised of all members of Council who fully participate in debate and forward recommendations to Council for final decision. The Committee is an important forum for policy debate and public input on issues within Council's area of responsibility. Details:
Meeting Frequency: Monthly, save and except for July, August and December, on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
Dangerous Dog Designation Appeals Committee |
The Dangerous Dog Designation Appeal Committee is a quasi-judicial body that hears appeals from dog owner’s, or their agents related to the designation of a dog as potential dangerous, dangerous, restricted, or prohibited by an Animal Control Officer, or agent (as per the Dog Control By-law). Details:
View the Dangerous Dog Designation Appeals Committee Terms of Reference. Meeting Frequency: As required in response to appeals received by the Township (generally during Township business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) |
Heritage Wilmot and Castle Kilbride Advisory Committee |
The Heritage Wilmot and Castle Kilbride Advisory Committee is a committee of Council that is responsible for advising on heritage and museum matters. It is a consolidated committee of the former Heritage Wilmot Advisory Committee and Castle Kilbride Advisory Committee. The Committee is appointed by Council to advise and make recommendations to Council, the Director of Development Services and the Chief Building Official regarding the Township’s built heritage and other heritage features. Details: The Committee has a statutory role which is set out in the Ontario Heritage Act:
The Committee also advises Council on matters related to Castle Kilbride such as:
View the Heritage Wilmot and Castle Kilbride Advisory Committee Terms of Reference. Meeting Frequency: The second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. |
Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC) |
The Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC) advises seven municipalities within the Region of Waterloo to fulfill the purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) by giving advice regarding the identification, prevention and removal of barriers (physical, architectural, technological, informational, communicational, attitudinal and policy/practice). Details: GRAAC has the following responsibilities:
Committee Composition:
For more information, please review the GRAAC Terms of Reference. Meeting Frequency: GRAAC will generally meet on a monthly basis ten (10) times per year, on the fourth Thursday of the month, with a summer recess in July and/or August. |
Library Committee (Regional Municipality of Waterloo) |
The Library Committee is meant to advise the Regional Municipality of Waterloo Library Board on library operations, budgetary considerations, and overall governance of the library system. The Committee’s purpose is to reflect Regional Strategic Priorities within which it can manage the provision of comprehensive and efficient public library services to participating municipalities. Furthermore, the Committee will ensure that an ongoing collaborative relationship is maintained between the Region and the Townships in the provision of library services. The Committee’s approach to undertaking this purpose will be in accordance with the Public Libraries Act and all applicable legislation and policies. The Library Committee Terms of Reference provide that the Committee will:
Regional Council has recently amended the Terms of Reference for this Committee to include One (1) non-voting community representative nominated by each Township Council. For more information, please review the Terms of Reference. The Committee will be composed of nine (9) Members consisting of:
Chair: Natasha Salonen Vice Chair: Sue Foxton Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Property Standards Advisory Committee |
The Property Standards Appeals Committee is a quasi-judicial body that hears appeals from owners or their agents who have received an Order of the Chief Building Official, a Property Standards Officer, or a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, in accordance with the Property Standards By-law. Committee members who sit on the Property Standards Committee also sit on the Dangerous Dog Designation Appeals Committee. View the Property Standards Advisory Committee Terms of Reference. Meeting Frequency: As required in response to appeals received by the Township (generally during Township business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) |
Wilmot Canada Day Event Task Force |
The purpose of the Wilmot Canada Day Event Task Force is to plan, implement and execute an inclusive Canada Day celebration event, which normally consists of one focal event on July 1st, in combination with smaller complementary activities, such as contests or other events, with respect to the following:
The Wilmot Canada Day Event Task Force is responsible for:
The Committee is composed of:
View the Wilmot Canada Day Event Task Force Terms of Reference. Meeting Frequency: The monthly meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of each month in the Wayne Roth Meeting Room at the Wilmot Recreation Complex at 6:30 p.m.
Interested in learning more about how a committee functions or about the work they do? Consider attending a committee meeting or look at the meeting agendas online. Committee meetings are generally open to the public, and meetings are posted on the Township Calendar.