Like all municipal councils, local boards and their committees, at times our Township Council must meet behind closed doors to discuss certain matters, receive information, or give direction.
Whenever a closed meeting is scheduled, we will post the Agenda ahead of time. This helps ensure complete accountability and transparency on our part, as well as Township Council and its standing committees.
Under the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, a meeting can be closed to the public pursuant to Section 239.
Council may conduct a closed meeting to consider any of the following:
Through Local Authority Services Ltd., the Township of Wilmot has engaged the services of John Mascarin, Aird and Berlis, as the Municipal Closed Meeting Investigator and has authorized it to conduct investigations upon receipt of a complaint in respect of meetings or parts of meetings that are closed to the public. The Investigator will determine compliance with the Act or the applicable procedural by-law with respect to closed meetings and will report on the results of such investigations.
Prior to submitting a request for investigation, members of the public are encouraged to discuss their concerns or inquiries with the municipal clerk.
Members of the public may submit requests to the Investigator relating to compliance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, or the Municipal Rules of Procedure By-law for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public.
All requests will be treated confidential by the municipality and the Investigator, unless authorization is given by the requestor to release his or her identity.
Request Forms may be downloaded from the municipality’s website or are available at the Legislative Services Division, Wilmot Administration Complex.
Requests must be submitted on the Request Form and in a sealed envelope clearly identified as a complaint under Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, and forwarded by mail to:
Municipal Clerk,
Township of Wilmot
Wilmot Administration Complex
60 Snyder’s Road West
Baden, ON N3A 1A1
All requests must contain:
When requests are submitted directly to the Clerk, the Clerk shall follow the following procedures:
The Municipal Clerk will provide the Investigator the following or any other information or documentation as requested by the Investigator related to a complaint:
Legislative Services
Administration Complex
60 Snyder's Road West
T 519-634-8444, Toll Free 1-800-469-5576, TTY 519-634-5037, F 519-634-5522
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