Wilmot Aquatic Centre (WAC) staff members are experts trained in aquatic emergencies. They are required to supervise all patrons in the pool and cannot act in a childcare capacity.
"Caregiver" is defined as a responsible parent or guardian 13 years of age or older who is responsible for the direct supervision of children 10 years of age and younger, and within arms reach. Caregivers of children 10 years and younger who have passed the swim test will be required to remain in the facility.
"Direct Supervision" is defined as being in the water, within arms reach and able to render immediate assistance.
Must be accompanied by a caregiver at all times. Caregivers must be in the water and remain within arms distance at all times.
Ratio of 1 Caregiver:2 swimmers
If any child within a group of swimmers is under 7 years of age, the ratio for the Caregiver will always be 1:2.
Children wearing personal flotation devices (puddle jumpers, lifejackets etc.) must be supervised at all times.
Caregiver ratio of 1:3 without lifejackets.
Caregiver ratio of 1:6 with all swimmers in a MTO approved lifejacket. If a swimmer removes their lifejacket the ratio then become 1:3.
The facility has a limited supply of lifejackets. Swimmers may need to supply their own lifejacket.
Lifejackets may not be available for all programs.
Lifejackets must be Ministry of Transportation (MTO) approved and the appropriate size for the swimmer.
All straps and buckles must be secured.
Water wings, puddle jumpers or other floatation devices are not accepted as lifejackets.
If insufficient lifejackets are available, the ratio of 1:3 swimmers for the 7 - 10 year old swimmers will apply.
May be admitted into the pool without direct in-water supervision provided they can demonstrate the ability to pass the Aquatic Swim test.
In order to meet common industry standards and best practices, the Wilmot Aquatic Centre will be using the following criteria for swimmers 7 – 10 years of age who would like to swim unaccompanied by a Caregiver.
The swim test criteria will consist of:
In order to pass the swim test, each participant must be able to complete the following items comfortably without stopping or putting their feet on the bottom.
Caregivers must remain in the aquatic facility until the swim test is completed successfully. If the child is unable to complete the swim test, the Caregiver will be required to participate with the child. Swimmer ratios will be enforced.
Caregivers of successful swimmers are to remain in the facility during the swimmers participation in the swim.
Persons who have known serious medical disorders such as seizure disorders are at greater risk while swimming. Those individuals should be accompanied and supervised by another individual knowledgeable on their condition.
In conjunction with our Admission Policy, we will be issuing wrist bands to young swimmers.
Will be given a RED ribbon for their wrist. These children must be accompanied in the water at all times by a caregiver 13 years of age or older, who must remain within arm's reach at all times. Ratio 1:2 swimmers.
For swimmers who wish to perform a swim test to see if they can swim unaccompanied.
Parents or the guardian must be in the aquatic facility until the child has performed the swim test to ensure the child is able to swim alone.
If the child passes the swim test, they can have their wrist band removed and a Swim test card can be created for future visits.
If they do not pass the swim test, they will be issued a BLUE wristband for their wrist and will be required to swim within arm's reach of a caregiver. Swimmer ratios will be enforced.
For swimmers who choose not to perform the swim test or have not passed the swim test.
Caregiver ratio of 1:3 without lifejackets.
Caregiver ratio of 1:6 with all swimmers in a MTO approved lifejacket. If a swimmer removes their lifejacket the ratio then become 1:3.
With a PAL card, people with disabilities can bring a helper, often a friend or family member, to help them take part in Township of Wilmot run programs. In most cases, there is no extra cost as the helper is there to make sure you can participate and enjoy the activity and not there to participate themselves.
We accept the PAL card for Township of Wilmot run programs, including:
To use your PAL card, present the card when paying your program fees.
You cannot use the PAL card for ticketed events at our facilities run by third party organizations, businesses, or promoters.
The PAL card may be used with the Cities of Cambridge, Guelph, Kitchener, and Waterloo and the Township of Woolwich programs. Please verify with these organizations regarding what programs apply.
Complete and submit a Pal Card Application Form to the Aquatics Supervisor.