From time to time it may be necessary to cancel a course. Usually this results from:
At the time of registration, you will be notified of the date of any known cancellations, facility closures or instructor/ scheduling conflicts. In the event of road closures or emergency facility closure, participants will be contacted as soon as possible.
If you not sure if a course is running, please contact us.
Refunds for recreational & swimming programs will be issued up until the beginning of the third class, at a prorated rate, regardless of the participant being present. There is a 20% Administration Fee applied on all refund requests up to a maximum of $40.00. After the beginning of the third class, no refunds will be issued.
If the client chooses to leave the refund amount as a credit on their account, the Administration Fee will be waived. Unused credits will expire after three years.
Please note: All refunds are issued by cheque and will be mailed to participants which may take up to 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery.