For after-hours service hazard response, please contact:
- Roads On-Call Phone at 519-778-0471
- Utilities On-Call Phone at 519-998-1862
***Please note, this is for service emergencies or hazards only. These numbers will not connect you to By-Law staff for noise or parking complaints. Please contact By-Law Enforcement at 519-634-8519 ext. 9257 or report an infraction here.
For general inquiries, please email or or call 519-634-8519 ext. 9290
The Roads division has a number of duties and responsibilities for maintenance and operation of Township roads. Seasonal activities related to routine maintenance and current status are outlined below:
Roads Operations & Maintenance Activities
Activity | Status | Notes |
Hardtop Roadway Surface Maintenance |
Continue |
Patching, Repairs, Sweeping, Major maintenance contract management (asphalt, surface treatment, concrete sidewalk) |
Loosetop Roadway Surface Maintenance |
Continue |
Grading, Repairs, Gravel Maintenance Program, Dust Suppressant |
Right of Way Maintenance |
Continue |
Debris removal, shoulder repairs, curb/gutter repairs, vegetation maintenance |
Sign and Device Maintenance |
Continue |
Regulatory, Warning, Temporary and Information sign replacements, guiderail maintenance |
Drainage Feature/Structure Maintenance |
Continue |
Ditch maintenance, bridge/culvert maintenance |
Gravel Pit Operations |
Continue |
Extraction, removal, monitoring, reporting |
General Maintenance and Administration |
Continue |
Patrols, Maintenance Standard Compliance, Salt Management Reporting, Capital and Operating Program |
Winter Maintenance |
Continue (Seasonal) |
Patrols, Material Management, Snow Removal |
Fleet and Equipment Maintenance and Repairs |
Continue |
On-Call Services |
Continue |
Contact information here.
After hours emergency response for Road Operations only. NOTE: The Roads Department does not respond to after-hours by-law requests.
The Utilities division is responsible for maintenance and operation of the Township watermain distribution systems and wastewater conveyance systems. Baden and New Hamburg have water distribution and wastewater sewers. St. Agatha, New Dundee and Mannheim have water distribution only.
Water Operations & Maintenance Activities
Activity | Status | Notes |
Service Leaks and Meter Maintenance (Private Property) |
***Please contact a plumber first if experiencing water service |
Water System Maintenance |
Continue |
flushing program, valve maintenance program, hydrant maintenance program, service box repairs, break response and repair, |
Water Quality Management |
Continue |
Regulatory Sampling, QMS Reporting, Licensing Management, Customer Service |
Fleet and Equipment Maintenance and Repairs |
Continue |
Locate Services |
Continue |
Information here.
Ontario One-Call response for municipal water infrastructure
On-Call Services |
Continue |
Contact information here.
after hours emergency response
The Utilities division is responsible for maintenance and operation of the Township watermain distribution systems and wastewater conveyance systems. Baden and New Hamburg have water distribution and wastewater sewers. St. Agatha, New Dundee and Mannheim have water distribution only.
Wastewater Operations & Maintenance Activities
Activity | Status | Notes |
Household Sewer Backups (Private Property)
***Please contact a plumber first if experiencing sewage backups in your home. |
Storm Sewer Maintenance |
Continue |
Catchbasin cleaning, sewer repairs, outlet maintenance, blockage repairs (right of way only), flushing program |
Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance |
Continue |
Monitoring and emergency repairs |
Sanitary Sewer Maintenance |
Continue |
Sewer repairs, blockage repairs (right of way only), flushing program |
Sewage Facility Maintenance |
Continue |
Controls management, operations management, wet well cleaning, inspections |
Fleet and Equipment Maintenance and Repairs |
Continue |
Locate Services |
Continue |
Information here.
Ontario One-Call response for municipal wastewater infrastructure
On-Call Services |
Continue |
Contact information here.
after hours emergency response
Sanitary and Stormwater System Alterations
If you need to request an alteration to our sanitary or stormwater system, find the process and application below.
1. About the process
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) has approved and granted the Township the authority to approve certain Environmental compliance Approvals (ECAs) to the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure (CLI) under certain conditions. Township’s CLI-ECA approval process covers most alterations that meet the preauthorized MECP requirements for the entire municipal sewage collection system and stormwater management system owned and operated by the Township of Wilmot. Development projects no longer need to submit individual pipe-by-pipe MECP application for future alternations; even though will need to make sure they:
F-6 Sewer and Watermain Installation: Separation Distance Requirements F-6-1 Procedures to Govern Separation of Sewers and Watermains Ontario Provincial Standards Township of Wilmot Infrastructure Standards and Specifications
If the project does not meet the MECP criteria for CLI-ECAs, you may also need to apply for an individual ECA from the MECP or submit an application for an CLI-ECA alteration with the Region of Waterloo
2. Types of Alterations
There are two types of alterations related to the Township’s CLI-ECA applications:
- Sanitary (sewage) collection system: all connected sewage collection works within the Township of Wilmot and owned and/or operated by the Township of Wilmot including pumping stations and pipes.
- Stormwater management system: all connected stormwater management works within the Township of Wilmot and owned and/or operated by the Township of Wilmot, including pipes, stormwater management facilities, and Low Impact Development (LID) infrastructure.
3. When to request an Alteration
You need to request a CLI ECA alteration for the following types of projects:
- changing, replacing or extending sanitary sewers and storm sewers, including extensions into new residential developments
- changes that are on city-owned property that includes parks and community centers serving a single parcel of land
- adding new sewage pumping stations or changing existing sewage pumping stations
- adding new stormwater management facilities or changing existing facilities (examples: wet pond, infiltration basins, engineered wetlands, oil grit separators)
- adding new or changing existing equipment with emissions to air (examples: emergency power generators or venting for odor control) related to sanitary and storm sewers, sewage pumping stations and/or stormwater management facilities
If you have any questions or are unsure if your project will need CLI ECA alteration, send us an email (
4. When you don’t need to request an Alteration
You don’t need to apply for a CLI-ECA alteration for privately owned sewage works on industrial or commercial land.
For these projects, you may still need an individual ECA from the MECP or a building permit.
5. What you need for your CLI-ECA Alteration
- Complete Application Form
- Complete MECP Forms
Sewage Collection System Alterations
Download and complete the applicable MECP forms as required:
Please include the following formation:
- the Township of Wilmot ECA number is 078-W601
- provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation
- provide verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number
Stormwater Management System Alterations
Download and complete the applicable MECP forms as required:
Please include the following formation:
- the Township of Wilmot ECA number is 078-S701
- provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation
- provide verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number
Application fees
- Storm Sewers (including adding, modifying, replacing, or extending): $3,120
- Storm Appurtenances (LID, OGS, Flow Controls, Exfiltration piping, including adding, modifying, replacing, or extending): $4,160
- Stormwater management Facility (including adding, modifying, replacing, or extending): $8,840
- Sanitary Sewers (including adding, modifying, replacing, or extending): $3,120
- Sanitary Pumping Station or Forcemain (including adding, modifying, replacing or extending): $8,840
Please refer to the 2024 Schedule C to Fees and Charge By-Law for more information.
Please make cheques payable to The Corporation of the Township of Wilmot, quoting the site information (project name, property address, and/or owner’s name).
Please feel free to send us an email to confirm your applicable fees.
6. Submit your application
Submit your complete application package to: including a scan of the application fee cheque and mail or drop off the cheque to Engineering Department of Township of Wilmot (attn: Bela Silvia, Email:, Phone: 519-634-8519 ext. 9270).
The Engineering division is responsible for design, supervision of construction or reconstruction of roads, sidewalks, sewers, and watermains, including survey, locates, and inspection activities for work done within our municipal rights of way.
Our staff covers the areas of Engineering, GIS, Project Management, Inspection and Administration. Staff deals with owners, residents, contractors, consultants and others to manage and improve the infrastructure we use every day.
Engineering Services Activities
Activity | Status | Notes |
Reconstruction Program Management |
Continue |
Streetlight Maintenance |
Continue |
Development Review, Approvals and Inspections |
Continue |
Right of Way Work Permit/Oversized Load Permit Review, Approvals and Inspections |
Continue |
Information here |
Municipal Consent Review and Approvals |
Continue |
GIS and Asset Management |
Continue |
Reforestation Program |
Continue |
Information here |
Speed Sign Program |
Continue |
Traffic Operations Reviews |
Continue |
Speed limit reviews, traffic calming reviews
Information Here
Road Closures (Special Events) |
Continue |
Information here |